Sunday 22 August 2010

Today has been a sunny day in Berkeley and I visited my first spinning class. Wow the facilities here are so different compared to Norway! The locker rooms were huge. You get towels for free, lockers for free and they even have a little machine that washes your swimsuite. Well, I always get fascinated about such details. The spinning class itself was not as good as expected. The instructor was funny..haha. And I didn`t really understand what he was saying. But I will give it another try.

Campus is filling up. All the american students are coming with their parents. Funny to watch. And there are so many asian students here.

Haakon and Veslemøy came this afternoon and brought me lots of nice things for our apartement. Now we have TV, coffemachine and a plant. It is getting kind of cosy. After that they took me out for lunch. I am a lucky girl knowing them!
Yesterday Anna and I were sitting on our balcony (yes, we have one!) and suddenly Anna said: look! we have a view to the Golden Gate Bridge. I haden noticed. So, we have a nice view but we also saw a rat in the backyard. And really weird neighbours. We have counted 6 different people living in the strange house. And tehy all look really weird. We will find out more about them.

Tomorrow I will go and visit Trond Pedersen the professor here. He will help Magnar and me finding courses that match with courses in Oslo. I am looking forward to start school for real.

Endre, a norwegian student is staying at our place for a while until he can move in at his place. It is nice to have company so we will hang out tonight.

Talk to you soon!

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