Saturday 21 August 2010

I love Berkeley!

It is saturday morning and i am sitting at cafe Milano with my roommate Ana. We dont have internet at hour house yet, so we have to go out to be connected to the world. This is a really nice cafe. A big coffee for 2 dollars and classical music is being played. Haha. This is so romantic.

Yesterday i had my first day at school. It was a oriantation day where we were told how to aply for classes, how to behave, how to stay safe. Haha. There was a police officer coming to tell us how to stay safe. He scared me. They say that Berkeley is a safe place, just not as safe as Norway. So dont walk alone at night, dont walk with your Ipod on..he said especially in the south areas and he mentioned some street names. And he mentioned Dwight street. Thats where I live. So I have been scared all day. But I talked to some americans and they said I shouldnt worry. I trust them. Haha. UC Berkeley offers something that is called Bearwalk. You can call a number and an officer will come and pick you up and walk you home. All night long.

Our neighbours are smoking marihuana constantly. I watched them this morning while I had breakfast. I will work something out. I am a secret agent.

At the oriantation day I also met all the other norwegians. And there are lots of them! Almost hundred. So we got to know each other and there are lots of nice people. In the evening we went to a bar or pub. That was fun. I talked to two american boys. They looked like they were thirty but they were 21. Haha. Anyway, they are taking me to a football game.

Americans are nice. Everybody is really friendly and I hope i will get to know some more. I will upload some pictures as soon as we get internet at home.

And i bought myself entrance for the sports activities. That is crazy how much they offer and how big it is. I will attend my first spinning class tomorrow.
Veslemøy and Haakon will come tomorrow and bring me stuff for my place. They have been so nice to me. When I first moved in, Veslemøy said I couldnt live like that. So they took me to Ikea and we bought lamps and other things. She took notes about everything i needed. Tomorrow they will bring me a coffemachine and all the other things she noted. I dont know what i would do without them. It is nice to be surrounded by people who care. They also took me sightseeing on thursday. I saw the Golden Gate Bridge and then we went to a little place nearby to have icecream. It was about 30 degrees, nice sunny day and i felt like I was on holiday. California really fits me. I like it when you can count on the weather.

On thursday classes start and Berkeley is getting more crowded day by day. The american students are coming back. That is exciting!

So far I think i am going to have a great time here. It is just very expensiv adventure. But it is worth it!

Once again, come and visit! You will love it! And I would love having you here.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! All the best to you! I know the feeling to be an "Alien" in a different city! :)
